About Us


This circle was born out of the magic of the Cacao community. Nick, Adam, and Federico, all shared a desire to create a space for men to connect, be heard, and learn with other men.

Our modern western society does not leave much space for conscious communion amongst men. Unlike in tribal communities, for the most part we have no substantive initiations or safe and wholesome spaces for men to mature and openly share about what is truly important.

We have found that many men could use some help opening up about their lives, desires, fears, and experiences. Even men that considerer themselves self-aware and more open-minded have trouble maturely, strongly, and sweetly sharing, especially with other men.

It is not our fault!

For generations, society has taught us to be “good little boys,” “suck it up,” and “don’t be weak.”

Our circle creates a safe, sacred container to simply be. No judgement or expectations from other men. And to develop the confidence to be vulnerable, learn, share insights, and express your truth. And, of course, have a whole lot of fun along the way.


-There is always a musical guest that performs at the end of each circle.

Grab some cacao, a notebook, an open mind, and perhaps a brother - and join us on the last Monday of each month at 8-10pm Eastern / 5-7pm Pacific Time.


We embark on discussions intended to develop into mature, balanced men, while incorporating the sacred, heart-opening plant medicine of CACAO.